If you are Christian & single and interested in finding others like you for romance or friendship, or if you're simply looking to meet other like-minded Christian singles, ChristianFreeAndSingle makes life easier for you. We have members just like you...Christian singles from across the USA, all looking for friendship, romance or maybe something more...
ChristianFreeAndSingle will broaden your friendship and romantic network with a quality dating service based on core values of honesty, confidentiality, value for money and heaps of fun along the way! If you’d like to give us a try, we’d be delighted to have you as a member.
ChristianFreeAndSingle is a dating site specifically for US singles of Christian faith looking for meaningful friendships and relationships. The large dating sites are now too big to cater for your needs specifically, and it's as hard on there to find likeminded singles as it is in everyday life! That's where ChristianFreeAndSingle can really help. On our site, you'll find other singles looking for someone with the same Christian background and values as you.
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